Concession eligibility
If you live in Hertsmere and one of the below applies than you are eligible for a Concession Card. Simply complete the application form and hand it into one of the centres listed on the back page along with proof of eligibility as detailed below. Please also include proof of your address (e.g. bank statement or utility bill dated within the last 3 months).
Concession Card for the below: £5.00 (valid for 12 months)
Proof of eligibility must be shown with each application.
If you receive… | Please bring… |
Income-related Job Seekers Allowance | Recent letter from Benefits Agency |
Employment and Support Allowance | Order book or a recent letter from Benefits Agency |
Disabled Persons Tax Credit | Order book or a recent letter from Benefits Agency |
Pension Credit | Order book or a recent letter from Benefits Agency |
Housing Benefit / Council Tax Benefit | Letter of confirmation from Hertsmere Borough Council |
Assistance with NHS charges | HC2 or NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificate |
Free School Meals/clothing allowance | Letter from Herts County Council |