A Safe Environment for Leisure

Leisure pursuits are something that all of us need. They keep us fit and active, teach us valuable skills and help us build resilience and social bonds with others who share our common interest.

What form those pursuits take will of course vary for each of us but almost all of them have one thing in common:

The overwhelming need for a safe environment where we can practice them.

For many of us lately a safe environment is something that has needed serious thought, we have been advised on the amount of time to spend outdoors for example and also strongly advised not to spend time with others from outside our own household.

As the situation has changed, so has the advice we are given and now we are allowed to travel a little more freely within England in pursuit of our leisure time. The first signs that slowly but surely things will, in a very controlled way; return to normal.

We are starting to see a wider range of industries and services looking to begin work once again and when the time is right to do so, our centres will once again open our doors and welcome each and every person who walks through them.

During our period of enforced closure, we have been taking care of all our facilities, from our swimming pools and gym equipment to our children’s facilities and our theatres. We have also been looking carefully at what other industries and services have been doing to ensure they keep their customers and staff safe, whilst still providing the very best levels of service.

While it is difficult to know exactly what our reopening will look like at the moment, we will take every measure necessary to provide a safe environment for our communities to keep fit, stay healthy and to enjoy the friendly, family environment that we all need and that we have always been proud to offer.

We will listen to the science and follow the government advice stringently; we’ll also take onboard innovative ideas and practices from other industries if we think they will benefit you and the levels of safe, efficient service you expect from us.

So… whether you are a long-standing regular visitor or somebody new, looking to build upon the inspiration you have found during lockdown. We are looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you back.

We are of course, raring to go. We cannot wait until the day arrives when we can finally welcome our communities, our families and familiar faces back where they belong. Rest assured however that we will not do so until the time is right and every possible solution is put in place to ensure your leisure time isn’t just filled with the best service and facilities, but that it is also spent in an environment that is safe.

There may be new rules; some things may also look a little different to the way they did before but our ethos of inspiring all will be just the same as ever.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

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